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Team Project

Project Museum(2024)

Project Museum is a team project over the course of one single semester for IGME-599 - Independent Study. The goal of the study was to design a game loop, prototype, and iterate to have a playable game by the end of the semester.​


Features worked on:

  • Player Controller using Unity's new input system and complex custom interaction system.

  • Level Design (Affordances, Blocking, Interactivity, and Progression)

  • NPC Dialogue - Complex system that uses voice acted phonetic letters (a - b - c - etc). Each letter spoken is matched and synthesized with the basic sound of the letter in the language being played in, creating unique dialogue sounds for each line based on text.

  • Multi-layered "Elevator" system for transporting between levels.

  • Audio manager that manages background music, sound effects, and specific audio triggers for boss fights and other unique events.​

  • Entity persistence manager - a way to locally remember what artifacts the player has come across and save them as they are transferred between scenes.


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